We apologize, you fall outside of our current age qualifications.

Why do we limit our offerings to a specific age range? Our Spec-Techs care technicians use several telemedicine efficiencies to save our customers money – and, for healthy eyes, we can guarantee reliable refractive results. Nonetheless, there are several stealthy medical conditions that can affect the eyes of the very young and the middle-aged. Nobody likes getting an initial eye exam, and then having to be referred back for extra testing. As a result, we recommend that anyone younger than 14, or 55 years old and beyond, schedule a comprehensive, in-person exam with an eye doctor.

Our partnering host clinic(s) will be more than happy to schedule exams for individuals of any age. You can visit them at the links below, or give us a call at (208) 265-7965 to schedule an exam today!

514 Oak Street
Sandpoint, ID 83864